Get Involved through GIVING!


The Chapel's Regular Budget

Soldotna Bible Chapel structures it's general fund of the budget for our ministry partners already. Currently, 22% of our general budget goes to our supported ministry partners and organizations - local and global. So when you give to the Lord through your regular church offerings at the Chapel, know that 22% of your moneys go to our ministry partnerships!

1. Give to the General Budget Here (select "General Fund")

2. Give Specifically to ministry partners projects (above the 22% general slice) (select "Missions Fund")

3. Give to our monthly Sunday School offering (various projects with our ministry partners) (select "Sunday School Offering")

Owning it More Personally

Another great way to give is to get more personal in your giving. If you are led to contribute specifically to one of our partners or organizations, please feel free to connect with them directly through their pages on our site (Local or Global). Send them an email asking how you can support them personally. This is a great way to take more direct ownership for you personally or even as a family!